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Jelena Božić, Predrag Ilić, Ljiljana Stojanović Bjelić
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Abstract: Noise pollution is one of the main environmental problems today.The main source of environmental noise is traffic noise, especially the noise of road vehicles. The continuing expansion of motorized transport in Europe and Republic of Srpska today, and especially the sharp increase in the use of private cars raises concerns about the health risks.
The aim of the case study was to determine the noise level at the location „Borik“ in Banja Luka. The measured values indicate that the noise level in this street is alarming. This paper discusses health and well-being related impacts of traffic noise pollution as well as the economic and social benefits associated with its reduction. It summarizes the latest scientific evidence on the impact of road traffic-induced noise on physical and mental health as a reaction to the high level of traffic noise risks.
According to the scientific evidence, road traffic is the main source of noise pollution in Europe that cause harmful health such as impaired communication and disturbed sleep, as well as adverse after effects such as fatigue and decreased performance, annoyance, hearing impairment, ischemic heart disease and hypertension. The effects of unhealthy noise level are reflected on living and working conditions, consequently affecting the economy.
This paper highlights economic implications and health benefits linked to cross-functionalities in the process of noise reduction in urbanism, architecture and vehicle design and methods for its evaluation. Cost-benefit analysis would be a pivotal decision-making tool for the city road traffic and land-use decisions. Economic valuation is about identifying all preferences and translating them into a money measure, to create a common denominator for comparing the pros and cons. Any decision implicitly include a money value into health effects. A holistic approach is crucial, considering the various health and economic consequences together.
Key words: noise pollution, city road traffic,measurement and analysis, reduction, economic valuation.
Apstrakt: Zagađenje bukom jedan je od glavnih problema životne sredine danas. Efekti prekomjerne buke održavaju se na životne i radne uslove, a time i na ekonomiju. Glavni izvor buke u životnoj sredini je saobraćajna buka, osobito buka drumskih vozila. Cilj studije slučaja bio je utvrditi nivo buke na lokaciji “Borik” u Banjoj Luci i provjeriti hipotezu o značajnom prekoračenju graničnih vrijednosti. Mjerenje i analiza dobijenih rezultata pokazuju da je nivo buke alarmantan. Raspravljaju se zdravstveni i socijalno-ekonomski uticaji zagađenja bukom teekonomske i društvene koristi povezane s njegovim smanjenjem. Kao rezultat razmatranja ekonomskih uticaja povezanih s različitim funkcionalnostima u procesu smanjenja buke u urbanizmu, arhitekturi i dizajnu vozila analiziraju aspekti ekonomske evaluacije najefikasnijih i ekonomski najopravdanijiih intervencija s ciljem saniranja zagađenja bukom u strateškom interesu javnog zdravlja i nacionalne ekonomije.
Ključne riječi: zagađenje bukom, gradski drumski saobraćaj, mjerenje i analiza, smanjenje, ekonomska evaluacija.