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Maja Đokić, Jovana Gardašević
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Summary: International business in general, especially the international marketing represents not just economic but also cultural and social phenomenon. The purpose of this work is to show theoretically the all aspects of culture that are essentially important for business people and companies in theit international approach to marketing, starting from language and understanding, aesthetics values, attitudes and beliefs, religion to the elements of the material culture. A society culture includes both material aspects – belifes, ideas and values that make up a content of a society and material aspects – objects, symbols or technology through which the content of the culture is expressed. The impact of the culture on international marketing and decision – making is rapidly growing, especially in the time we are living in, which is characterized by the high level of trade liberalization, market expansions, globalization, economics integration, international business and marketing – oriented companies that their decisions coordinate with the requirements of the last consumers. If the last consumer is from the international surroundings it is necessary for marketing manager to be informed about the culture he comes from. This further leads to easier determination and definition of his needs and requirements on what basis international marketing companies create their marketing strategy and concept. The aim of this work is also to point out the significant importance of knowing the culture of the international area where the company wants to do its business.
Key words: culture / the aspects of culture / international marketing
Rezime:Međunarodno poslovanje uopšte, a pogotovo međunarodni marketing predstavlja ne samo ekonomski već i socio – kulturni fenomen.Svrha ovog rada jeste da teorijski prikaže sve aspekte kulture koji su esencijalno važni za poslovne ljude i kompanije, počevši od problema jezika i sporazumevanja, estetskih vrednosti,stavova i verovanja, religije do elemenata materijalne kulture. Kultura jednog društva obuhvata kako nematerijalne aspekte – verovanja, ideje, i vrednosti koji čine sadržaj jedne kulture tako i materijalne aspekte – objekte, simbole ili tehnologiju kroz koju se sadržaj kulture izražava. Uticaj kulture na međunarodni marketing i na donošenje marketing odluka sve više uzima maha, pogotovo u vremenu u kome živimo, a koje karakteriše visok stepen liberalzacije trgovine, širenja tržišta, globalizacije,ekonomskih integracija, međunarodnog poslovanja marketinški orijentisanih preduzeća koje svoje odluke usklađuju sa zahtevima krajnjeg potrošača. Ukoliko je krajnji potrošač, bilo da govorimo o pojedincu ili nekom ekonomskom subjektu iz internacionalnog okruženja, neophodno je poznavati kulturu iz koje potiče kako bi se lako mogle odrediti i definisati njegove potrebe i zahtevi, te na osnovu toga i pristupiti kreiranju adekvatne markting strategije. Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na izuzetno veliki značaj poznavanja kultureinternacionalnogpodručja na kome kompanija želi da posluje.
Ključne reči:kultura / aspekti kulture / međunarodni marketing