Summary: The modern age has brought that people become completely dependent on digital technology and its penetration into our lives was accelerated by globalization, the dominance of capitalism, free markets and financial liberalization. Large and rapid technological progress was achieved the effect of rapid forward movement, where it seems that everything is going very fast and the dramatic changes taking place in a very short time, which also causes euphoria and fear. These phenomena represent a major challenge for all preconceptions on what human existence relies, such as: canceling the physical distance and the dissolution of the material using virtual reality technology, and the apparent end of human procreation and the post human as a result of progress in cybernetics, robotics and exploration of consciousness and intelligence. In postmodern communication, everything changed. New software has enabled an imitation of urban and natural environments, play of light and reflections, and the creation of artificial human emotions. Our eyes and psyche are so accustomed to the special effects that it has become difficult to distinguish the actual scene of the digital processing. However, all the new changes have deeper consequences from imitation of the real world. It has become epistemological and cognitive revolution that affects our perception of the world and scientific knowledge of all known. All our knowledge about matter and energy, the creation of the world, biology, genetics, etc.., all were transferred to computer files. The whole scientific work is now digitized and everything is directed to digital use. Not only science, all the aspect of human society is diverted for use by the digital language. Thanks to the development of information and communication technology, modern man can at any time reach any of the information products, not moving from the comfort of his home. In this historic moment, it is necessary to emphasize the urgency of giving high priority to IT literacy. Because the Internet and its applications, such as blogs, mobile phones, websites and cyber communities, represent a huge change in communication, education, and market trends of today. Change, which means “online spaces” should be given more attention. And as we have networked “at the beginning of the twenty-first century and how our IT innovations are changing the perception of reality, and how we are keenly aware of their great power in all areas of our lives we will try to answer in this paper.
Key words: education, information, hyper communication, digital culture, market globalization
Rezime: Savremeno doba čoveku je donelo potpunu zavisnost od digitalne tehnologije, a njen prodor u naše živote ubrzala je globalizacija, prevlast kapitalizma, sloboda tržišta i finansijska liberalizacija. U postmodernoj komunikaciji sve se promenilo. Novi softver je omogućio imitaciju urbanog i prirodnog okruženja, igru svetla i refleksije i kreiranje veštačkih ljudskih emocija. Naše oči, ali i psiha toliko su se navikli na specijalne efekte da je postalo teško razlikovati stvarne scene od digitalne obrade. Međutim, sve novonastale promene imaju dublje posledice od imitacije stvarnog sveta. Nastala je epistemološka, odnosno saznajna revolucija koja utiče na naše poimanje sveta i naučno znanje svega poznatog. Sve naše znanje, o materiji i energiji, nastanku sveta, biologiji, genetici i sl., sve je prebačeno u kompjuterske fajlove. Celokupni naučni opus je sada digitalizovan i sve je usmereno na digitalno korišćenje. Ne samo nauka, svi apsekti ljudskog društva preusmereni su na korišćenje pomoću digitalnog jezika. Zahvaljujući razvoju informacionih i komunikacionih tehnologija, savremeni čovek može u bilo kojem trenutku doći do bilo koje informacije, i to ne pomerajući se iz udobnosti svoga doma. U ovom istorijskom trenutku potrebno je naglasiti hitnost davanja visokog prioriteta IT pismenosti. Jer, internet i njegove aplikacije, poput blogova, mobilnih telefona, internet stranica i sajber zajednica, predstavljaju ogromnu promenu u komunikaciji, obrazovanju i tržišnim tendencijama današnjice. Promenu koja znači da „onlajn prostorima” treba posvetiti mnogo veću pažnju.