Article author: 
Maja Đokić, Biljana Lukić, Meri Nešković
Year the article was released: 
Edition in this Year: 
Article abstract: 
Abstract: Before a company decides to sell their products and services abroad, theymust fully understand the international marketing environment. The international environment, in the last two decades, has been creating new opportunities and problems. World trade and investment have grown rapidly thanks to attractive markets, especially in Western and Eastern Europe, China and Russia. As a result, the international financial system has become more complex, and companies involved in international trade are faced with rising trade barriers that were set to protect the domestic market from foreign competition.
All the companies that compete in intern ational markets must first understand the international trading system. When sold in other countries, companies are faced with various limitations. Opportunities for export of services are large and growing. However, since trade creates jobs and holds the key to economic growth, the whole world wants a share in the growing service sector. The combination of environmental factors that contribute to the success of the organization in the local market, may be absent in foreign markets. This can lead to the failure of attempts to export the service formula. Global competition will continue to grow, which requires a better understanding of international service concepts, problems and challenges.
Key words: globalization, competition, market, service, modern society.
Rezime: Pre nego što se kompanija odluči da prodaje svoje proizvode i usluge u inostranstvu, mora u potpunosti razumeti internacionalno marketing okruženje. U međunarodnom okruženju zadnje dve decenije stvaraju se i nove mogućnosti i problemi. Svetska trgovina i investiranje su rasli veoma brzo zahvaljujući atraktivnim tržištima, pre svega u Zapadnoj i Istočnoj Evropi, Kini i Rusiji. Zahvaljujući tome, internacionalni finansijski sistem je postao kompleksniji, a kompanije koje učestvuju u međunarodnoj razmeni susreću se sa sve većim trgovinskim barijerama koje su podignute da zaštite domaća tržišta od strane konkurencije.
Sve kompanije koje se takmiče na međunarodnim tržištima moraju najpre razumeti međunarodni trgovinski sistem. Kada prodaju u drugim zemljama, kompanije su suočavaju sa raznim ograničenjima. Mogućnosti za izvoz usluga su velike i rastuće. Međutim, zato što trgovina stvara poslove i drži ključ ekonomskog rasta, čitav svet želi udeo u rastućem uslužnom sektoru. Kombinacija ambijentalnih faktora koji doprinose uspehu organizacije na domaćem tržištu, mogu biti odsutni na stranim tržištima. Ovo može dovesti do neuspeha pokušaja da se izveze uslužna formula. Globalna konkurencija će nastaviti da raste, što zahteva bolje razumevanjeinternacionalnih uslužnih koncepata, problema i izazova.
Ključne reči: globalizacija, konkurencija, tržište, usluge, savremeno društvo.