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Ivana Projović, Dragan Kolev
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Abstract: In the world of management and modern business relations there is a widespread belief that the future of any company largely depends on how it is presented in the eyes of key stakeholders (shareholders, investors, customers, consumers, employees and the public, or the environment in which company operates). This attitude is further confirmed by the process of globalization, the global economic crisis and the growing dominance of modern information technology. Also by corporate affairs which are in the recent years more and more. Construction, maintenance and protection of the business image are the main task of the managment of each company. The reputation of the company is approached as one of the most important strategic objectives, which essentially is the main task of corporate communications. However, despite the importance attributed to it, it has not been sufficiently explored, nor precisely defined.
One of the fundamental issues that researchers encounter relates to the use of corporate communications and communication of the companies with all actors of business. The most common problem is reflected in the fact that communications strategies often are not accepted by the management, who do not understand the developments in the business environment and how they affect on the business and profitability of the company. Decision-makers do not understand in which way and how communication affects on the development of business and increasing profit. Identification of events and relationships that fall within the jurisdiction of corporate communications, which are beyond the understanding and control of decision-makers, creates opportunities for communication and engagement with the actors inside the company, as well as with those outside. In this article we are dealing with the theoretical and conceptual definition of corporate communications, its strategy, types and benefits based on the available literature and communication concepts, insights and practices.
Key words: corporate communications, corporate communications strategy, internal communications, external communications
Apstrakt: U svetu menadžmenta i savremenog poslovanja prihvaćen je stav da budućnost svakog preduzeća u najvećoj meri zavisi od toga kako je ono prezentovano u očima ključnih stejkholdera (akcionara, deoničara, investitora, klijenata, potrošača, zaposlenih, ali i javnosti, odnosno sredine u kojoj posluje). Taj stav dodatno potvrđuju proces globalizacije, svetska ekonomska kriza, sve veća dominacija savremenih informacionih tehnologija, ali i korporativne afere koje su poslednjih godina sve češće. Izgradnja, održavanje i zaštita poslovnog imidža glavni su zadatak upravljačkog tela svake kompanije. Reputaciji preduzeća prilazi se kao jednom od najvažnijih strateških ciljeva, što suštinski predstavlja osnovni zadatak korporativne komunikacije. Međutim, uprkos značaju koji joj se pridaje u savremenom poslovanju, ona još uvek nije dovoljno istražena, niti precizno definisana.
Jedno od osnovnih pitanja sa kojima se istraživači korporativne komunikacije susreću odnosi se na komuniciranje preduzeća sa svim akterima poslovanja. Najčešći problem je u ne prihvatanju komunikacione strategije od strane menadžmenta usled nerazumevanja dešavanja u poslovnom okruženju i načina na koji ono utiču na poslovnu profitabilnost kompanije. Donosioci odluka najčešće ne shvataju mehanizam uticaja komunikacija na razvoj poslovanja a samim tim i na profitabilnost privrednog subjekta. Identifikacijom događaja i odnosa koji spadaju u nadležnost korporativne komunikacije, stvaraju se mogućnosti za uspešnu komunikaciju sa akterima unutar preduzeća ali i sa onima spolja. U ovom radu se bavimo teorijskim i pojmovnim određenjem korporativne komunikacije, njenom strategijom, vrstama i benefitima na osnovu raspoložive literature, dostupnih komunikacionih koncepata i savremene prakse.
Ključne reči: korporativna komunikacija, strategija korporativne komunikacije, interna komunikacija, eksterna komunikacija