Article author:
Maja Ristić, Darko Tadić
Year the article was released:
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Article abstract:
Abstract: Nowdays, it has become impossible to study theater isolation, apart from the new social and cultural phenomena:globalisation, dominations of spectacl and cosmopolitanisam, and industry culture.Cheapter and faster communications have become key factors in the development of globalizations.Globalization refers to the interconnectedness of the nation and the world, growing worldtrad, the spread of cultural products and exchange ideas in the fi eld of culture, the relationship between peopeles of the world. Mass culture or culture on the mass industrial production standard adresses the general population irrespective of its social and cultural status. We can no longer consider theatre and musical only as a part of the national elitist culture, since they are begining to take shape of the popular culture as well melodramatics, superfi ciality, sensationalism and of bodlly expression. Th ese, theatre and musical have became fl uid and hybrid form of contemperary culture, so that, in order to survive, they must open themselves to the market, and become commodity, comercial and respondent to the needs and intrests of audience. Th e audience, as shows by many conteperary researches is inkcreasingly interestad on waching musical and comedy perfromances. What was once considered to be „hight culture“, nowdays, is becomig „popular culture“, whereas the entire cultural fi eld can be axplained as a battleground for offi cal and alternative culture. Th rough shows like musical aspatation of Dusan Kovacevic text „Th e marathon Family“ musical acquaries the of the nacional „elite“ culture, while through shows adapted from movies (Chicago, Cabaretm Gipsy Fly in the Sky) is become a part of popular culture. Th e question that we should ask is „wheter the institutional perfromans of the musical theater diminishes the walue and social status of the institution, or theater should develop izself independently by independently by performing amusing and musical forms?In the time of the Internet and new tehnologies of domination, theater are turning spectacular and cimmercial theatrick forms. Th e use of adaptive quality managamement should reconcile these isues and strategically possition theatre, determine its mission, develop new programs and more fl exible management methods and evemtualy atract more public. Adaptive quality management impliesthe cycle defi ning development methods, analiysis of the problems, fi nding new strategic solutions, fl exibile organizational structure, democratic leadership and managament fl exibility. Th is kind of leadership of the organization will alow her more money, and more tickets sold. Th e theatre will be accessible to a mass audience and create his own ensemble, and will be better positioned in the market of culture.
Key words: Cultural industries; Economic viability; Th eatre audience; Managamant of Th e theater; Musical;
Sažetak: U vremenu globalizacije, procvatu kulturnih industrija i sve većem i raznolikom tržištu kulture, koje postaje fl uidno za hibridne forme umetnosti, pozorište kao elitna umetnost postaje deo komercijalnog tržišta i uz pomoć primene Adaptivnog menadžmenta kvaliteta želi da postane profi tabilna institucija: samoodrživa i institucija koja može da „živi“ od sopstvenog rada. Nakon 1989. godine i pada Berlinskog zida, menja se i pozorišna mapa Evrope i Balkana. Nacionalne institucije dobijaju sve skormnije budžete od države, grada (osnivača) dok pozorišni festivali, predstave nastale prema principima projektne organizacije dobijaju na značaju realizujući veliki broj obilnih produkcija koje oblaze ceo svet. Pojavu sve veće komercijalizacije pozorišta prati nagli procvat sve popularnije pozorišne forme: mjuzikla koji se po uzoru na Brodvejske predstave igra u Evropi (Vest end), ali i balkanskim zemljama (Pozorište na Terazijama, Muzičko i operetsko pozorište u Sofi ji). Mjuzikl kao sinkretička pozorišna forma postaje roba koju treba prodati na tržištu, dok primenom funkcija menadžmenta pozorišta i adaptivnog menadžmenta kvaliteta, institucije, ali i projektna pozorišta uspevaju da poboljšaju samoodrživost i prodaju što više karata i zarade novac.
Ključne reči: Kulturne industrije; Mjuzikl; Ekonomska isplativost; Menadžment pozorišta; Pozorišna publika